Purpose, Mission, Vision

Express the long-term value creation focus that defines and drives your culture

Successful companies unite their diverse cultures around a shared “purpose” that builds value and differentiation over time.

We have extensive experience assessing cultural traits and focusing companies on those that build long-term strategic differentiation. We can help you re-focus your culture and develop statements that bring your long-term value creation focus to life.

  • We involve management and employees in defining your cultural uniqueness, then develop the statements and programs that accelerate change. The result is increased belief internally and increased differentiation in the market.

    We’ve helped clients strengthen their purpose to address a wide range of growth opportunities, from building deeper partnerships with customers or creating a performance focus to engaging and empowering employees.

Services Include:

  • Culture assessment

  • Purpose statement development

  • Mission statement development

  • Vision statement development

  • On-boarding program development

How Purpose-Driven Companies Take Leadership

Relevant Cases

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